
The bad boy has a daughter episode 29-30

Created by Valentine Valentine in The bad boy has a daughter 24 Jul 2019
The Bad Boy Has A Daughter.
Sequence 29-30
*Noah's point of view*
It's been only a day. Twenty four hours and it felt like a year. I couldn't sleep, I kept tossing on the bed. How the fuck was I going to sleep when Anna was still with the person that took her, doing God knows what.
And Casey was still with Drew only God knew what he was doing to my little girl. I've tried calling Anna's phone again just to talk to whosoever took her. But it wasn't going through.
I called Drew to ask about Casey but the bastard had only told me that the finals had been shifted till tomorrow.
I had tried to use my right arm but it still hurt and Anna not being here yo change the bandages I left it that way, wrapping it with a cellophane bag whenever I wanted to shower.
The house was still the way it was. Scattered and dirty. I couldn't find the strength to arrange it. I couldn't do anything, it felt like my heart had been cut out thrown into a furnace. And I had to stand and watch it burn.
I got up from the bed, picking up Casey's teady bear, the one Theo had gotten for her at the mall. Theo, I hadn't even talked to him for a while. I only hopes he was doing fine.
The teady bear was light and it stared at me with huge green eyes, it was like Theo knew they were just the same as Casey's.
I missed her. My little potato. I wanted her back here in my arms. I wanted to run my fingers through her black silky hair. I wanted to sit her down and tell her stories while she looked at me with so much admiration and pride. I wanted to kiss her goodnight. And I badly wanted to tell her I loved her with all my heart.
I glanced up to see Anna's broken glasses and the little hope in need crashed. What if I never saw those hazel eyes again?
I never wanted this for her, she was just a high school student who was obsessed with chemistry. She never asked for this kind of life. But then I had stumbled upon her and changed her life for good, causing her shame, embarrassment and havoc. I had put her through trauma, and distrupted her perfectly carved life.
When this was all over I was going to stay away from her. I didn't want to cause her more pain, I already knew what Happened to women that dated people who belonged to the Snakes and Ladders. Mira, Theo's wife died, because Theo tried to steal his cars but my dad had ran away with it, leaving him behind.
Me and Theo were both a mess because of my dad, we had both paid dearly for my father's betrayal. That was why Theo took good care of me and treated me like the son he never had.
I owed my life to him. And after this was over I was going to meet him and tell him how much he meant to me. That was the least I could do.
I got off the bed and went towards the window, looking at the empty street, it was almost nine in the night and everyone was in already.
Casey's teacher had called asking why she wasn't in school I had told her she was sick. Even Clary had called me, I wondered how she got my number. But surely Anna would have given her. As they were besties. How stupid.
She had asked of Anna and was worried but I told her she went in a trip with her aunt and forgot her phone. I couldn't tell her she was abducted by someone I didn't know.
I sighed, stepping away from the window, picked up my phone and tried to call Drew again to see if I could speak to Casey.
He picked-up almost immediately. "What?"
"I need to speak to Casey" I said, not wanting to sound angry, but it was hard keeping it in.
"She's not here. Shouldn't you be preparing for your race tomorrow? I already called Theo to put the cars in good shape"
"I'll prepare later. I just wanted to make sure Casey was safe. Please Drew I ask that you treat her well. I swear I'll give you your money tomorrow"
"That's if you win the race" The line went dead and I dropped to the chair. I needed to see Casey. I needed to know she was safe. I needed to touch her.
I stood up abruptly, running my hand through my hair and walking out of my apartment. Drew's house was just down the road in the next street. I could go there and see Casey and make sure she was fine.
With that thought I walked out, covering my head with my hoodie. My shoulder still hurt from every core and I wondered how I was gonna drive with it tomorrow.
The finals was no game. It was the real thing. I couldn't think of anything but winning. I didn't even know who I was going to give the money to if I won..
Drew or Anna's abductor?
I shook my head, I didn't want to think about that now.
Nearing Drew's house I noticed the white mansion standing amongst the smaller houses. Drew had a thing for beautiful surroundings.
Green Grasses layed around moving towards the direction of thenight breeze. I noticed his lights were still on signaling he was awake.
On getting to the entrance, I saw one of Drew's men guarding it. Maintaining my cool I walked towards him.
"I need to see Drew" I said, trying to keep my face stoic.
"He said no visitors, especially you" He didn't even spare me another glance as he started to push me away.
"Get off me! I need to see my daughter!"
"What's going on here?" The door opened to reveal Drew in a black sleeveless turtle neck and trousers. His tattoos visible under the porch light.
"He said he wanted to see you" The man mumbled avoiding eue contact with Drew.
"I need to see Casey" I fought my way out of the guy's grip and he tried to grab unto me but Drew just waved his finger at him and he let me go.
I followed Drew into his home and noticed everywhere looked surprisingly neat. For a gang leader I expected half naked girls around smoking and guys drinking. But instead the house was as decent as a family home.
"You have no right coming here, if you didn't already have a wounded shoulder I'll make my guys beat you up and send you back" Drew looked at me. "But no man should hit a wounded man. I'd rather him be able to defend himself"
"Daddy!!!" I loud, childlike voice sounded through the house, echoing loudly.
I turned around to see Casey running towards me in a pink night dress and a huge pink teady bear in her arms.
"Hey!" I ran to her, scooping her in my arms, and hugged her close to my chest. I couldn't fight the tears and I let them run down my face, hiding them behind Casey's hair.
Casey hugged me tightly too. "I miss you daddy! Drew said you had to go for a while. You and Anna"
I sniffed, wiping my eyes quickly before looking at Casey. "Yea, I had some errands to do. I missed you potato. I missed you badly"
"Me too. But don't worry Drew is taking care of me very well. He bought me this bear, see"
Casey shoved the pink bear in my face and I turned to Drew looking at him with shock. I expected him to have beat Casey or hurt her but instead he bought her a bear?
Drew? Drew Goodman? The leader of the most feared gang, Snakes and Ladders bought a two year old a teady bear?
"I didn't buy her that. We just found it around" Drew said, trying to cover up but I smiled.
"No. Drew took me to the mall and bought it for me and this beautiful night dress" Casey pointed to the pink dress that flowed sweetly on the floor as she moved.
I tried smiling, but it was hard. I was jealous, Drew was giving her everything I couldn't. He was rich, he could buy everything Casey needed and I couldn't. I was jealous of that.
"It's beautiful" I forced myself to say.
"Yes, and Drew bought a lot of toys and chocolates and cartoons. He let me watch TV. But you no have TV."
Drew laughed and I shot him a glare, shutting him immediately.
"Go upstairs Casey, you're tired you need to sleep" Drew said, bending low to meet Casey's eyes.
"But daddy just came. Me want to play with daddy"
I held unto Casey not wanting her to go.
"Me and your daddy have something to talk about so he doesn't loose what he loves the most" Drew glared at me, his eyes threatening me and I let go of Casey.
"It's ok potato. Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up"
"Pinky swears?"
"Pinky swears"
Casey grumbled and kissed me on the cheek before yawning and climbing up the stairs, dragging the bear on the floor.
"I love you" I whispered but she heard, turning back, then running to hug me once more.
"I love you too"
Then she left, closing the door behind her.
"Get out!" Drew barked. "You've seen her now go!"
"Look, thanks for taking care of her" I said sincerely, walking away.
"This act if kindness would stop soon. You better win the race Noah, or else Casey would suffer a great deal. Tomorrow would determine"
He slammed the door to my face and his guard dragged me out of the compound.
I was scared, and for the first time in my life my heart sank, filled with sadness. I had to win this race, for Casey and for Anna.
*Noah's point of view*
The day of the race had come, the most dreaded day of my life. The day I payed Drew his money and leave this fucking job.
The day I choose who I get to keep.
The first siren went off signalling that the race would soon begun so I went to get my car from Theo. Walking into the mechanic, I saw Theo cleaning the car with a smile on his face.
"Hey, is the car ready?" I asked, he snapped his head to meet mine, letting his smile drop.
"Yo, Noah, how you? Haven't seen you in a while"
"Yea, I've been busy with school" I lied, I couldn't tell Theo that Anna was kidnapped he would he dissapointed with me.
"That's a good thing. I gotta go now"
"Where? Look wait I just wanted to say thanks for everything, like for taking care of me and all that. I know sometimes I can be a pain in the ass but really I'm grateful. After this race I just wanna get outta here, get out of this town and start life afresh. I don't wanna hurt anyone else."
Theo looked at me with sad eyes, coming closer to Pat me in the back. "Don't worry about it. This would be your last race" he said.
"Yes, no more racing for me after this. I'll get an actual job" I hugged him tighter, the siren sounded again and I pulled away.
"Thanks Theo, I have to go now. The race starts after the third siren and I'd would really love to see Ryder before I kick his ass" I smirked, getting into my blue and white car, turning on the engine and driving off the mechanic.
Theo waved at me, gave me a thumbs up before shutting his garrage door.
I sighed, making my way through half naked girls that purposely stayed in the way so I could see their ass. Some even hit my car to gain attention, but I didn't take my eyes off the road.
I was driving a little better now, I had taken enough pain killers and I could hardly feel all my injuries, I was positive I could win this race.
Since it was Ryder, which was kind of like the best. I didn't have much hope. But then there's a bridge we had to pass, so that was my winning point.
I smirked, it sucked to be scared if heights.
I noticed Ryder brooding frame with the ladies as the clawed at his chest and he kissed some of them, grinning widely.
"Ryder!" I called out, getting our of my car and sitting on the bonnet, pretending to admire my fingers.
"Hope you're getting ready to loose?"
"Fuck you Noah, I'm the best out here, I'm going to hand your ass to Drew on a silver platter" He said, causing some of the girls to snicker.
I smiled. "We'll see about that, dickface"
The third siren went off and Ryder made his way through his crowd of girls and came to stand in front of me.
I didn't back down, I looked at him deep in his eyes.
"Let's make a deal. If I win, I get your bitch" He smirked.
"And if I win?" I asked. This was a bad idea, a very very bad idea. What if I lost.
"You get my car"
I glanced at Ryder's car, Ryder was so fucking rich that he didn't need to race with any of Drew's car that we used. His car was his. From his own money. And it was fucking expensive.
If I won this race, I could give Drew Ryder's car as payment and give Anna's abductor the money I won and get Anna.
I couldn't say no to this deal.
Ryder smiled, before walking off to his car and I did the same .
A girl came to stand between our cars, she was completely naked save for the black paint all over her body.
She danced slowly and seductively, pointing at me to ask if I was ready.
I stepped on the accelerator and the car roared in obedience, she smiled, turning to Ryder next. He did the same.
She smiled, holding the two flags up, waving it in the air and rotating her hips. She was teasing us, it was what they did. After s few seconds, she turned, her back side facing us and slamming the flags to the ground.
The next second, me and Ryder moved. Our cars running at it's greatest speed. The first stage if the race was speed, here the road was broad and it fit two cars at once we both had to make it to the second stage, the thinner road where only one car could fit In. I had to get there before Ryder.
I stomped on the accelerator and increased the speed, my shoulder ached a little but I ignored it. Now was not the time to hallow in self pity.
I turned, making my way through the road with Ryder hot by my side but I didn't glance at him. He moved very fast, very fast but I tried to keep up by his side.
We passed through the lonely road and I focused all my attention on the side of the road waiting for the sign that showed the narrow road.
Upon seeing it, Ryder slammed into my car, causing me to hit my head hard in the door and loose grip on the steering.
As Ryder made it first into the road. I screamed in annoyance, after the narrow road was the spinning. And Ryder was very good at making turns. I on the other side, not as good as him.
I ganined control of the wheel again and proceeded behind Ryder, I could almost hear him laughing at me, Anna's crying face flashed in my mind and I hit Ryder's car from behind.
He slowed down a little, then recovered almost immediately and sped up again.
In about ten minutes, we both made it to a broader road that fit the both of us and I was by his side in an instant.
In the next stage, which was the spinning, there were a total of four Sharp, very Sharp turns. It required thinking yo get through it without falling behind.
The first turn came quickly and I turned the steering of my car to beat it, but Ryder hit my car again.
"Fuck!" I amost lost control and hit a pole but swerved, and my right mirror paid dearly hitting the pole and breaking off.
"Fuck you Ryder!" I screamed, making my way towards him again, I turned to see him smiling before slamming against my car again, I reacted this time, hitting his too and the same time. The collision caused the both of our cars to move sideways.
I recovered first and went ahead of Ryder, smiling in triumph.
The second turning came to view and just as I was about to make the perfect turning, my shoulder snapped, causing pain to travel down the arm, I had to slow down a little, because of the unexpected pain.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I screamed in pain and used the other mirror to see Ryder coming right behind me.
Stupid painkillers were wearing off. I picked up again, making the turn and almost slamming into a pole.
The car swerved left and right before moving forward at it's usual pace and I sighed in relief.
Ryder was still behind me. Two more turnings and I was at the bridge.
But Ryder wasn't set on loosing, behind me, I saw him bring out a gun and shoot at me.
"What the hell?" Ryder didn't use guns, well not since now. Guess he really wanted Anna.
I moved more quickly bending low a little to avoid the bullets making holes in my car.
The next turning came to view and I turned the wheels, making the perfect turn but more bullets blasted through my car and narrowly missing me as one passed my head.
I continued running through the road. One more turn. Then the bridge. I didn't bother about the bridge because I knew Ryder would slow down a bit.
With that thought I continued, and Ryder stopped shooting. I looked back to see him, bringing his head out of the window and his gun pointed at my back tire.
Fuck! No!
I turned, not keeping my car moving on a straight line. I swerved left and right, so Ryder couldn't get a good aim.
I saw the Turn ahead and made my way through it.
I was ahead of Ryder. Fuck! Yes!
I continued my journey and Ryder was still hot on my tail. I needed to get to the bridge now, I saw it ahead. And increased the speed.
Ryder being the genius he was was by my side in an instant. His gun directed towards me, I didn't have time to turn or bend and his bullet blasted through my widow and hit my left shoulder.
I screamed, losing control of the steering, and I was already on the bridge, my car turned to the right, moving to the direction of the edge of the bridge.
I needed to stop the car or else, I could fall off the bridge and possibly die. I stepped on the brakes.
Nothing happened!
The car wasn't stopping.
"What the fuck?!" I stepped on the brakes repeatedly but it didn't stop the car. It still moved at a high speed, drawing dangerously close to the edge of the bridge.
Nothing had ever happened to my brakes before. And Theo always made sure of it. He always checked if everything was working perfectly fine. So how come the brakes were faulty.
I stepped on it again. But to no avail. I was so close to the edge. I was going to fall off.
Fuck! Why weren't the brakes Working?
I needed to stop this car soon. Or I was going to die.
To be continued..
Noah's car is faulty! What the hell? His shoulder is injured again. He is going to fall off the bridge if he doesn't get the car to stop or he could die. And worst of all is that his brake is faulty. Or was it tempered with? Did someone mess with his brakes so he could loose the race? And if they did, who is the person?

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